Since the page has grown quite a bit in size, I thought it was time I added a little index to it, so visitors can find their way around more easily. Hope you'll find it helpful.


Just a little something about me and this page.


A link to my LiveJournal Eowyn's Journal. I'm posting all my stories there, plus some more miscellaneous musings, which are mostly friends only. So, if you want to learn more about me, comment on my Friends Only post.


This is where you can find all of my fan-fiction. No more to be said *smiles*

My Fan-Fiction

Some background info on my history as a fan-fiction author, reasons why I started writing, etc.

Fan-Fiction Awards

Awards I received for my writing.


Nope, I don't draw. But there are some lovely people out there who have been creating some art for stories written by my humble self. Take a look.


This is my newest toy, my Tumblr Blog or whatever you wanna call it. It's shiny and it's fun and half the time I don't know what I'm doing :P


Sometimes I sit down to meddle with my trusted graphics programs. Here you can find some of the things I come up with.


These are just a few desktop wallpapers I created over the years. If you want me to create a wallpaper for you, or have an idea for a new one, drop me a line.


A few icons, which you can use to brush up your desktop ;) Once again, if you want some custom icons, etc., just get in touch with me.

LiveJournal Icons

Since I've become obsessed with LJ icons, I've been making a hell of a lot of icons, so I moved them to a seperate page. If you take any, please credit me (either with a link to my website, my LJ, or my Graphics Community.

Icon Awards

Awards I received for my icons.


A list of links to various fanlistings, site listings, webrings, and groups I'm a member of.


As the title suggests, here is yet another list of links. However, these are more or less fandom related ;)


Well, the purpose of this page is pretty much clear, isn't it? Just drop me a line, why don't you?


This is where you can find the latest updates.


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